Hi everyone! You may have noticed I used my blogspot to comment on your blog. My typepad user ID seems to hate me and it's easier to sign in with blogger. Please head on over to http://www.vintagebluestudio.typepad.com for my blog! Thanks and sorry for the confusion!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Farewell Blogger!
It's official. I am now up and running at typepad. Please join me at http://www.vintagebluestudio.typepad.com/! I will leave my blogger up for anyone who would like to continue using any tutorials I have posted. See you at my new pad!
Posted by
Vintage Blue Studio
6:02 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I'm moving...
to typepad! I'm currently in the process of working on my new and improved blog on typepad. You can check out my work in progress at http://www.vintagebluestudio.typepad.com. I'm already loving the layout and color choices it offers. Until it's ready I will continue to post my work here but I hope you'll come with me when the move is complete!
Posted by
Vintage Blue Studio
5:12 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Dont fight with your cusinart.

Posted by
Vintage Blue Studio
7:38 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
I have returned!
Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year! While I have enjoyed my little break I've certainly missed sharing my projects with everyone. I don't have any photos at the moment because today is cleaning day. Oh yes, this place is such a mess from the post-holiday fun that it MUST be cleaned today...no excuses.
Did anyone else feel sad when they took their decorations down? My apartment looked so empty. I ended up running out and buying valentine decorations from Michael's just so I could decorate our railing and dining room table. It is however, nice to have most of our living room space back again. But where am I going to put all these presents?
Make certain you check back later this week because I have been busy busy busy making things. The kiln has been run almost every night for the last two weeks. I have fused glass coming out my ears! We still have a bit of fine tuning to do on the kiln but Colin and I have been getting some wonderful results. I actually managed to make a few gifts for people out of our fused cabochons. I also dug out my bisque bead blanks from Bead Fest two years ago and I glazed and fired some of them. I had some nice results and I had some that looked...well...ummm....you know.
Happy Sunday!
Posted by
Vintage Blue Studio
10:25 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays everyone! I'm going to take the next week or so off from posting. Things are so crazy getting ready for Christmas that I need a little breather. When I come back in the new year I'll have plenty of photos to share of all the things I'm working on. I'm currently in the process of making a brooch/pendant in my metalsmithing classes. I'm also going to work on some Valentine gremlins in January and I may put one or two up for another giveaway. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all!
Posted by
Vintage Blue Studio
4:31 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
And the winner is...
Posted by
Vintage Blue Studio
5:16 PM